Monday, February 11, 2008

Lots of little things

Well sorry about the long delay in writing. They have been working very hard but at this point it is stuff that would not show dramatic changes in pictures. That is because they have been working on getting all the new electrical and plumbing in the house. We have basically replaced 90% of the wiring in the house and a similar amount of the plumbing. The nice thing about this is we got to lay out where every switch and every light went. I say this with great joy because the lighting in the house before was terrible. But that has been fixed!
Last week we had the electrical, plumbing and building inspections completed which are huge milestones - now they can begin closing the interior up. Additionally they have most of the roof on the house which is great since the weather has been pretty bad - the weather people said we saw 6 minutes of sun last week - no kidding.

Anyway, the other major thing last week was they began to insulate the house. We are using a foam isulation in the majority of the house (you can see it in the photos below). It fills every little gap and the house is so tight it is amazing. On the side of the house that sits on the propery line (right side if you are looking from the street) we have to use a fire retardant insulation so that cannot be the foam - they will put this up this week since we need another inspection for the insulation prior to them plastering the walls.

I think from here on out things will go quickly so we will post more often. Cheers.