Sunday, March 9, 2008

Plastered...In Part...

Upon my return from a three day biz trip to Chicago I was thrilled to see most of the upstairs plastered. It's fascinating (that adjective may a bit too enthusiastic) to see how the plasterers "see the big picture" noticing the unique character of our home from distinct ceiling heights to how the edges should be softened to take the eye from point A to point B. In the pictures above you'll notice the numerous angles in the ceiling that allow us to "capture volume" (that's architect speak for maximize every inch). It's interesting to see that though the footprint of our Master bedroom is exactly the same size as before, it feels much bigger due to the higher ceilings and the larger windows on the street side of the house. Now to start agonizing over what colors to paint it all!!
The top picture showcases our new windows - past visitors will recall our bed used to be in front of these windows, a visual reference for how much bigger the new windows are.
The second window is taken from the new guest room closet looking towards our neighbors and the property line. If you look out the window on the right you'll see why that window will be the first window treatment decision I make as the window is 5 or 6 feet off the property line. We now officially abutt both Gregory and Lee Streets and guests will have an excellent view of Lee Street "Wall Parties" from here on out. :-) Our Lee Street neighbors will on a whim spread the word on any given nice day during Spring, Summer or Fall that all should join for a "Wall Party". This is the signal to whip up an easy appetizer, grab your beverage of choice (wine) and commune with our awesome neighbors!

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